
About Company.

Ayurvedic science is based on the principle of Vata-Pitta-Kapha prevent in the body. This (Tridosh) is the foundation of Ayurveda. A balance of these three parameters is essential for a healthy body. An imbalance of the same leads to health problem, restortion of proper balance restores good health. According to Ayurved Vata-Pitta eruption and to some extent cough eruption lead to oral ailments. The factors that lead to oral-dental diseases are stomach disorders, indigestion, acidity, improper diet, pan-masala, gutkha, smoking etc.

The Importance of Herbal Medicine

Now a days action with reaction and side effect of modern health treatment is a matter of worry. In the alternative medicine therapy herbal medicine is a innocuous and effective health treatment. Indian 'ayurveda' is impressive since thousands of years.

The Oral Hygiene Scenario

According to one study, 90% of the people in world suffer from oral-dental ailment. It was stated in the 55th International Conference of the Indian Dental Association that as far as oral diseases were concerned 70% related to tooth decay, 90% to Pyorrhoea and 40% to oral cancer. More over, 85% of the children are afflicted with the problem of dental cavities. India has the dubious distinction of being at the forefront in terms oral diseases, which is a serious matter. In view of the fast burgeoning consumption of pan masala, gutkha, and smoking, there are all indications that it will lead to a proliferation of oral diseases and cancer in the future. One major factor responsible for oral problems is the neglect towards these right from childhood.

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